Hi! I’m Kirstyn


I’m a trauma-informed, spiritual self-love coach and I’m on a mission to empower millennials struggling with anxiety/depression to overcome those struggles through living a life of authenticity.

I definitely didn’t see myself headed down this spiritual career path from the beginning.

In fact, I was a place probably similar to many of you that have found your way into my world. I used to feel lost and very unsure of my purpose here on Earth. My wheels were constantly spinning, wondering if I was making the correct decisions to lead me where I thought I wanted to go. I felt frustrated, burnt out, anxious and depressed.

My whole world and perspective started to shift in October 2021 when my own spiritual awakening began (you can read more about my spiritual awakening here).

Once my world shifted and my eyes opened, so many positive changes happened for me:

+ I started fully accepting me for me and truly loving myself

+ I got out of my head and began trusting the decisions I was making

+ I started saying NO when I wanted to say no, and YES when I wanted to say yes

+ I was able to leave my toxic corporate job that left me feeling drained and miserable

+ I stopped identify so strongly with the labels placed upon me when it came to my mental health (No, I don’t have to identify as being anxious, depressed or with ADHD forever)

I can attribute much of this growth to discovering Human Design and my unique energetic blueprint.

Now I’m passionate about getting others curious about the root cause of their struggles and helping them see them through a different lense. I use this research-based technology with my clients to help them understand the unhelpful behaviors and mindset that often holds them back from living an authentic, meaningful life and one that creates suffering and dysfunction in their relationships.

my human design chart

Follow me on Instagram @kirstynschaefer.co