Discover the 5 Human Design Energy Types
As a society, we are divided mechanically and energetically into 5 Types:
Manifesting Generators
All 5 types are meant to work together to operate optimally as a society.
Manifestors are meant to initiate things
Generators & Manifesting Generators are meant to do the work
Projectors are meant to be the guides
and Reflectors are meant to tell us how things are going
Now let’s dive into what each of these 5 types are all about.
Generators (33% of the population)
Generators bring life force energy to our planet and are designed to work and love what they’re doing.
Their aura is open and enveloping - they are quite literally magnetic! This really brings people and opportunities towards so such that they can respond (aka their Strategy).
Generators have 2 guide posts that can be used to determine if they are living in or out of alignment.
In alignment: Satisfaction
Out of alignment: Frustration
Famous Generators
Manifesting Generators (37% of the population)
Manifesting Generators (or Mani Gens, for short) are a subset of Generator. Not to be confused with Manifestors, they too have an aura that is open and enveloping.
What differentiates Manifesting Generators from Pure Generators, is their gift of efficiency. Mani Gens are designed to go from response to manifestation much quicker.
Mani Gens are the life of the party and are very multi-passionate people!
Mani Gens have the same 2 guide posts as Generators that can be used to determine if they are living in or out of alignment.
In alignment: Satisfaction
Out of alignment: Frustration
Famous Manifesting Generators
Projectors are our guides in life. They’re designed to see the bigger picture and things others can’t see.
Unlike Generators and Mani Gens, they’re not meant to be “doing all the things.” They’re meant to be seen, recognized and invited (aka their Strategy) to offer their insight or venture into their next big life move.
Projectors’ guide posts for determining if they are living in or out of alignment are:
In alignment: Success
Out of alignment: Bitterness
Famous Projectors
Manifestors (9% of the population)
Manifestors are the only type actually meant to initiate things. They’re here to bring new ideas and concepts to the world, and they’re meant to do so independently.
Manifestors don’t like being told what to do because they’re meant to forge their own path. But before acting, they must make sure to inform others of their actions (aka their Strategy) before acting, because their aura is closed and repelling, thus others can’t get a grasp on what they’re thinking or doing.
Manifestors’ guide posts for determining if they are living in or out of alignment are:
In alignment: Peace
Out of alignment: Anger
Famous Manifestors
Reflectors (1% of the population)
Reflectors operate within a completely different set of rules from the rest of society. Since they’re mirroring back the energy with which they surround themselves, they are here to show and tell us what’s working and whats not.
Reflectors appreciate being invited to share their perspective which may be unique and unseen by others.
The environment for a Reflector is EVERYTHING, and they really need to spend time alone and even in nature to release all of the energy they’re absorbing from others.
Reflectors must wait a lunar cycle before making a significant life decision (aka their Strategy). This allows them time to reflect and talk to others so they can land on what is really true for them. PATIENCE and not rushing decisions is a key for Reflectors in living a life in more flow and with the least resistance.
Reflectors’ guide posts for determining if they are living in or out of alignment are:
In alignment: Surprise
Out of alignment: Disappointment
Famous Reflector
Discovering your Type (and your subsequent Strategy) are the 1st 2 foundational pieces to understanding and living your Human Design.
Knowing how you energetically show up and operate in the world is going to completely change how you see and feel about yourself.